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Logo_PNG-01-2021-03-31_14-44-36.png Lamipak
Lami Packaging (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
公司简介(Company Introduction)
公司简介(英文)(Company Introduction)
Lamipak is a producer of high quality aseptic packaging that provides the best value solutions to its customers. Initially set up to mass produce paper based packages for the beverage and food industries. Lamipak has evolved over the past decade to become one of the leaders as an aseptic packaging solutions provider where its products and services are used in over 40 different countries around the globe. To date its volume output has nearly tripled in the space of 5 years.
中文名称 英文名称
北京市朝外大街甲6号万通中心C座1402室 邮编:100020 Copyright® 中国食品添加剂和配料协会 TEL:010-59795833 FAX:010-59071335,59071336