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Corbion Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
公司简介(Company Introduction)
科碧恩:全球乳酸领导者 我们在生产乳酸及其衍生品等食品配料方面拥有一百多年的经验,并借助创新成为了食品配料生产领域的领导企业。我们通过制定可持续方案来改善当下人们以及子孙后代的生活品质,使尖端技术为顾客造福。我们的解决方案旨在帮助公司产品在饮料、糖果糕点、酱料、肉类等市场中的食品中脱颖而出。
公司简介(英文)(Company Introduction)
Corbion: global leader in lactic acid We have more than 100 year experience in producing food ingredients including lactic acid and lactic acid derivatives. Through our innovations we have become a leading company in food ingredients. Drawing on our deep application and product knowledge, we work with customers to make our cutting edge technologies work for them. Our solutions help differentiate products in markets such as Beverages, Confectionery, Sauces, Meat and other foods.
中文名称 英文名称
醋份 Vinegar powder
发酵醋 Verdad® F95
苹果酸乳酸柠檬酸混合液 PURAC® CLM
乳酸钙 PURACAL®Calcium Lactate
天然香精 PuraQ® Arome NA4
苹果酸粉 PuraQ® Arome NA4
乳酸 Lactic acid
乳酸 PURAC® Lactic Acid
乳酸钠 PURASAL® Sodium Lactate
北京市朝外大街甲6号万通中心C座1402室 邮编:100020 Copyright® 中国食品添加剂和配料协会 TEL:010-59795833 FAX:010-59071335,59071336