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logo2023_09_07_10_52_38.png 枫晴(上海)生物技术有限公司
Foodchem International Corporation
公司简介(Company Introduction)
Foodchem是食品添加剂和成分创新、营销和分销的中国领先公司。 Foodchem拥有500多种产品和世界一流的供应商基础,为全球食品和饮料、制药、化妆品、动物营养和化工行业的5000多名客户提供一站式解决方案,覆盖全球120个国家和地区。 Foodchem主要专注于优质产品和出色的供应链管理,我们非常强大和活跃于维生素、增稠剂、蛋白质、酸剂、防腐剂、抗氧化剂、甜味剂、磷酸盐、香料和香气、植物提取物、氨基酸、着色剂、乳化剂、营养补充剂。 Foodchem总部位于中国上海张江高科技园,拥有一座自有办公楼和可食用明胶生产厂。
公司简介(英文)(Company Introduction)
Foodchem is a Chinese leading company in innovation, marketing, and distribution of food additives and ingredients. With over 500 products and a world-class supplier base, Foodchem offers one-stop-shop solutions to more than 5,000 customers in global food & beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, animal nutrition and chemical industry which covers 120 countries and regions in the world. Foodchem mainly focuses on top quality products and excellent supply chain management, we are very strong and active in Vitamins, Thickeners, Proteins, Acidulants, Preservatives, Antioxidants, Sweeteners, Phosphates, Flavorings & Aromas, Plant Extracts, Amino Acids, Colorants, Emulsifiers, Nutritional Supplements.
中文名称 英文名称
魔芋胶 Konjac Gum
山梨酸钾 Potassium Sorbate
糖精钠 Sodium Saccharin
宜口甜 EkoSweet
一水柠檬酸 Citric Acid Monohydrate
魔芋胶 Konjac gum
味精 Monosodium Glutamate
大豆分离蛋白 Soy Protein Isolated
糖精钠 Sodium Saccharin
香兰素 Vanillin
香兰素 Vanillin
大豆分离蛋白 Soy Protein Isolated
一水柠檬酸 Citric Acid Monohydrate
宜口甜 EkoSweet
魔芋胶 Konjac Gum
谷氨酰胺转氨酶 TG
餐桌糖 Tabletop sweetener
维生素C Ascorbic Acid
味精 Monosodium Glutamate
黄原胶 Xanthan Gum
复配甜味剂 Compound sweetener
卡拉胶 Carrageenan
山梨酸钾 Potassium Sorbate
黄原胶 Xanthan Gum
明胶 gelatin
维生素C Ascorbic Acid
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